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Found 4 results

  1. From an article in the Washington Post detailing how people will comparison shop online while in a brick and mortar store: Article goes on to say Amazon could then block traffic to competitor's website or redirect to its own website or direct coupons to shopper's smart phone to keep them in the Amazon orbit. I'm assuming you could thwart this by not allowing your phone to connect to their in-store wi-fi, but it's still a worrisome development. Complete article here: https://www.washingt...-in-its-stores/
  2. When will these big companies learn? Amazon's AWS service fails major network customers again! Now, Netflix is down most of the day Christmas Eve. TechCrunch has the whole story.
  3. http://www.thepowerbase.com/2012/09/amazon-blocks-arch-linux-handbook-from-kindle-store/ What a sad twisted sick world the stupid people who run the world have created. Well done retards. :'(
  4. What Amazon's ebook strategy means - antipope.org By Charlie Stross Very interesting article.
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