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  1. OK, For some reason, I seem to have issues with USB hubs. The last one I had was a Belkin 7-port model that seemed to overheat after a year of moderate use. My MacBook Air has USB 3.0 on it, and I want to maximize on that capability. I am also willing to pay a bit more for a high quality hub. I will have a variety of devices hooked up to this hub. - USB mixer that is the primary audio for the Mac - Secondary USB audio device. Used for Skype, etc. (Need two devices to record and talk at the same time.) - HP Printer/Scanner Here are the things I am looking for in a hub: - USB 3.0 on all ports - Most of the ports on the rear. One or two on the front is fine. - Ports aligned vertically, if possible - Indicator lights! Ideally, device present and activity indicators - Plenty of Amps to power things and charge my iPad Does anyone know of anything off the top of their heads? Adam This one looks good- http://www.amazon.com/Oct-2012-Upgraded-Version-Compatible/dp/B006TT91TW/ref=sr_1_13?ie=UTF8&qid=1357411330&sr=8-13&keywords=usb+hub Except all the ports are in the front.
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