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  1. I have a wonderful Patriot 16GB USB 3.0 drive that suddenly decided to puke on me. It was not working right on any type of computer; corrupted data and read only. You could see nothing even if it was viewable. And you couldn't even reformat it because EVERYTHING including Linux thought it was read only. I did some searching around and the first result in a Google search had the answer: Patriot Axle 16gb, "write protected" "corrupt" In that topic on the Patriot Forums, this is the thing that worked for me: Thanks you Patriot Forums' Patriot_Ben! Would have hated to lose that wonderful 16GB Drive! So far so good. I have reformatted it three times and am in the process of copying all the stuff I had on it before. I just hope it does not mean that the chip is starting to fail....
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