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Hi.My name is Adam. I need help. Let me tell you my story......During my all-important formative years, I lived on a dairy farm. Unfortunately, the 21 years I spent on the farm has given me quite a work ethic, which is quite obviously incompatible with today's working environment.I have been using computers for over 8 years, which has made me quite adept at all types of troubleshooting, as well as making me very comfortable with electronics in general. I even remember waaaaaay back to my first troubleshooting on electronics- my dad had rented a video camera (it was back in '85 or so), and our first video is of a black screen and my voice suggesting to my dad that he tae the lens cap off. :P This has made me very marketable as a practical problem solver and jack of all trades (but master of none).Then two years ago, I joined the US Navy and got even more career enhancing training as an electronics tech. Joining the military has made me into the type of person that instantly obeys orders, as well as someone who is willing to work very hard.So my good traits are as follows:1. hard worker2. good knowledge of computers and electronics3. ability to fix most anything4. obedient to any authorityObviously, these traits are completely incompatible with today's workforce. Watch the movie Office Space, if you haven't already. Basically I want to do the following-1. become lazy2. data dump all my knowledge3. lose all motivation4. become a surly brat that defies authority in ay way possibleWith your help, my good friends, I know that I can achieve this, or at least part of it. Let us band together and help each other out!!-----------------------------------------This is my first post. I hope it was an enjoyable one. I am in a "writing mood" tonight, and that means my "humor genes" are hard at work.

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Ah, my dear ross549 , have you picked the right place to initiate your transformation! Look around...read the posts...I'm sure you'll find lots of good ideas. There is a rumor going around that elsewhere in the forums is great computing advice...but as long as you stay within the water cooler you'll be safe from all that "practical" stuff. So welcome...stay a while...loose your mind...you'll have fun. :P

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Welcome to great place.First lesson you can take right here, right now :Dtry loosing your military order of sentences and words, try to mess them up a bit, ..like uhh.., you know what I mean.No more points, no more dissecting your personality into good and bad sides, you have only one-good side soldier! :P I think you are off to a great start, and ..welcome again :)

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I grew up in very rural environs, but had to "sew my oats" and squandered years of my life in the "city". I suspect that you are in the "city", or a subsidiary of it, now.The only good reason to stay in the "city" is to get an education (the "U" is often there, as well as many women :P ). The problem is, the city's "post-graduate" education can be toxic to those with a solid core of values.Get the **** out (my first expletive on this forum). (Sorry, folks, it's necessary).I sense that you are missing "interdependence". Well, I found it, again, and hope to spend whatever time I have left enjoying it. Interesting fact about where I live now; the best PC shop is run from the "trouble-shooter"'s home, and I think he spends a lot of time on the phone, for free, and still makes a good living. In fact, he is a regular visitor to our local tech bulletin board, helping folks out in his spare time.Don't go "Wall Street". It is no place for a dairy farmer...even if he/she has a PhD.Juices? Juices? We don't need no stinking juices, man!

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So my good traits are as follows:1. hard worker2. good knowledge of computers and electronics3. ability to fix most anything4. obedient to any authorityObviously, these traits are completely incompatible with today's workforce. Watch the movie Office Space, if you haven't already. Basically I want to do the following-1. become lazy2. data dump all my knowledge3. lose all motivation4. become a surly brat that defies authority in ay way possibleWith your help, my good friends, I know that I can achieve this, or at least part of it. Let us band together and help each other out!!-----------------------------------------This is my first post. I hope it was an enjoyable one.  I am in a "writing mood" tonight, and that means my "humor genes" are hard at work.
Welcome aboard Adam. How can surly and brat be used in the same sentence? My daughter cried the first time someone called her a "military brat. " I explained it was a term of endearment for offspring of military parents.Now, as someone who lives an hour or two down the road, some advice for here in the water cooler. Here is the cast of characters that will help you with your four goals.
  • Jeber - hang around with him too much and they will put you up for a psych eval! See goal 2.
  • Penguin a.k.a. Bruno: He hangs his hat in Amsterdam. Do I need to say more? Actually, he might be the slipperiest of them all!
  • Paracelsus: Watch out - you never know what he is cooking up in that lab of his.
  • LillBambi - The angel of the board - always coming to someone's rescue but don't look under the halo!
  • JBRedmound - He has a split personality but he is a true and faithful friend!
  • Teacher - She is innocent and naive. Always trying to keep Penquin in line.
  • havnblast - Just look at his screen name. That says it all.
  • Sieb - Soccer mom. She slips in and out and she multi-tasks.
  • Stryder - wry sense of humour - watch his posts carefully
  • GolfProRM - Gives strange advice
  • Temmu - watch out for the laser

Paracelsus/LabRat: Teacher fixed her typo. ---------------An innocent bystander

Edited by teacher
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Guest Paracelsus
...Parcleseaus??? Who's that?? Don't tell me I have an Alternate Reality that I don't know about!! :o :huh: :P So, Howdy!! Adam, aka ross549. Don't let teacher mislead you. I'm really an OK guy. It's my Alternate Reality, LabRat you have to watch out for. He's an Anarchist with a short fuse. Ask Ryan to tell you about LabRat's "Hit List" :P ;) :lol:
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[*]GolfProRM - Gives strange advice
Strange advice, huh? that's the best you could do? :lol: :huh:
I'm sorry, I was looking at the strange advice thread when I wrote that.How's this: Outstanding fellow. One to look up to. Full of advice, strange and abnormal? Or I could go with military standard: "Walks on Water."
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I'm sorry, I was looking at the strange advice thread when I wrote that.How's this:  Outstanding fellow.  One to look up to.  Full of advice, strange and abnormal?  Or I could go with military standard:  "Walks on Water."
Walks on water... hmm... I like that... or how about the Ultimate Golfing God! :huh:
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Or I could go with military standard:  "Walks on Water." Walks on water...  hmm... I like that...  or how about the Ultimate Golfing God! :huh:
Sorry, we have heard about your game. That's just your virtual reality title!
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SHHHH!!!!! That's not supposed to get out to the new members... They're supposed to think that I'm actually GOOD at playing golf :DEdit - That's also why I play Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2003 on my Playstation2... That way I can say "I am Tiger Woods." :huh: :lol:

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I'm sorry.Attention All Newcomers: GolfProRM is the best golfer on Planet Earth! He is so great he walks on water when it suits him to put one in the water. His golf balls also hover over the water.Is that better?-------------------------Tells No Tall Tales

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Holy Smokes!Jeber- iwilldefinatelytrytomakemygramerspelkingandeverythingelsealittleworseandwithyourhelpmytransformationwillbecomplete. :lol: jbredmound- the only reason I am staying in the city now, is becuase the Navy has decided to put me here. Believe me, I really love the country, and I miss home. Thank God I am going home for some leave in a few weeks.Teacher- note to self- golfprorm is the best golfer anywhere....... :huh:

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Ross - You are a quick study! GolfproRM will be pleased to see you recognize his omnipresence."Holy smoke" - Is that what you Navy folks did to our bombing range yesterday - 2,600 acres on fire? Oops, the paper didn't blame the Navy, maybe it was Langley Air Patch.

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To give you encouragement in your quest, I was a Marine/Navy brat, then joined the Army...and just look at me today! No effect whatsoever! :blink:

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If it helps... all you have to remember is GolfProRM is Tiger Woods. GolfProRM is Tiger Woods. GolfProRM is Tiger Woods. GolfProRM is Tiger Woods. GolfProRM is Tiger Woods. GolfProRM is Tiger Woods. GolfProRM is Tiger Woods. GolfProRM is Tiger Woods....B) :blink:

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Ross - You are a quick study!  GolfproRM will be pleased to see you recognizehis omnipresence."Holy smoke" - Is that what you Navy folks did to our bombing range yesterday - 2,600 acres on fire?  Oops, the paper didn't blame the Navy, maybe it was Langley Air Patch.
I had NOTHING to do with that fire..... really........
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Guest LilBambi

ross549 --Welcome to Jeber's little neck-o-woods ;)Sounds like you will fit right in with the rest of us in the Cooler! LOL!BTW: Call me gullible, but I believe you when you say you didn't have anything to do with that Fire! LOL!

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ross549 --Welcome to Jeber's little neck-o-woods ;)Sounds like you will fit right in with the rest of us in the Cooler! LOL!BTW: Call me gullible, but I believe you when you say you didn't have anything to do with that Fire! LOL!
LilBambi - I think you are the third point on the triangle between Ross and I. How is the air there? A little smoggy out in the country? B) I agree with you. Ross jumped right in and fit in with the gang. :blink:
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Adam...if the penguin asks you if you have curly hair...Run for your life!!He can only waddle, so you should be safe.

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ross549 --Welcome to Jeber's little neck-o-woods ;)Sounds like you will fit right in with the rest of us in the Cooler! LOL!BTW: Call me gullible, but I believe you when you say you didn't have anything to do with that Fire! LOL!
LilBambi - I think you are the third point on the triangle between Ross and I. How is the air there? A little smoggy out in the country? ;) I agree with you. Ross jumped right in and fit in with the gang. :unsure:
Can I join and make it a rectangle?
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The more the merrier. With one at the ocean in Northern North Caorlina, one at the ocean in SouthEastern Virginia. one in South Central Virginia and one in Indiana, what would that make it- an arrow or a shooting star perhaps? :unsure:

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[*]Sieb - Soccer mom.  She slips in and out and she multi-tasks.
Gotta work on that multi-tasking - reading the water cooler & calling out my youngest son's spelling words. He said that penquin wasn't one of his spelling words. Imagine that! :unsure:
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Got caught?Penguin - S I L L Y B I R D T H A T C A N T F L YHow did I do? Can I have a definition.Did Virginia get away? B)

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