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links are not working


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This morning the forums were back online for a xxx hours. All worked like a charme...A few hours later I went to see if there were new posts,and the forums were offline again.Again a few hours later I went again to look for new post,hoping all would have been settled by now.The forums were back,but my problem was back too...Problem : when looking at the board index for new replies to messages posted, in the "last post info" column, I click on "Microsoft Monthly Update" belonging to the Security and Networking forums, this is just an example BTW. I want to go straight to the last reply in that thread, but instead I'm ending up in the above half of the first half page of the thread. A few weeks ago, I went straight to the last reply in that thread,no problem. Since the last week,this does NOT function anymore or at least not how it should .I haven't done anything to my system,javascript is on but only for the forums and after a restart of the browser used,which happens to be Mozilla.Please take time to fix this very annoying behaviour. And don't forget : "This morning the forums were back online for a xxx hours. All worked like a charme..." , that is, until they got offline again and came back on thereafter.I've checked this with (yeah, I know-don't you say anything -:hmm: )IE 6SP1 : I'm ending at sonicdragons post, which is the 2nd post in this thread.Ridiculous. (I believe that's the only thing what this IE is good for,just checking and back offline with rocket speed)I've also checked this with FireBird, the same behaviour as Mozilla...Thanks .

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Sounds like it is taking you to the last viewed post rather than the last post. You are using the button on the far right of the line? I just checked a few posts and it appears to be working correctly for me. Or are you selecting it some other location?Julia :hmm:

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Unless Arena took down the Forums unbeknownst to me, which I doubt, the Forums weren't down. What's going on is that the DNS change has not been going all that well. One of my ISPs (Verizon) is currently showing Page Not Found for both the newsletter website and the forums. One thing that sometimes helps to do is clear your browser cache when you have this problem.These intermittent outages are not universal. It's part of the DNS change process. Every ISP has to make this change, and it happens automatically. This is the slowest DNS change I personally have ever been involved with. So slow that I'm giving strong consideration to moving all my domain registration/management to some company other than Network Solutions. The only problem is, who?About the other problem, it is noted. But frankly, until all the DNS stuff settles down -- and it has not -- it's hard to tell whether that's a local problem or not.Also, the whole idea of being taken to the first unread post requires a few things:1. You're using the same browser on the same machine you were using last time you read each thread.2. You haven't flushed your browser cache.3. There've been no Internet interruptions.#3 is seriously questionable right now with the DNS change.But this is something we should look at closely again later this week.-- Scot

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teacher Posted on Jul 14 2004, 06:34 PM Sounds like it is taking you to the last viewed post rather than the last post. You are using the button on the far right of the line? I just checked a few posts and it appears to be working correctly for me. Or are you selecting it some other location?
Well sort of Julia. What I mean is this :1] look at the boards index2] as an example under the "Last Post Info" column I see (at this moment ! ) :links are not working and the last poster was Scot3] click on "links are not working" just above Scot's name and you should be taken right to Scot's reply on this topic. Instead of that, I'm taking back at somewhere else, most of the time around the first or maybe fifth reply on the whole topic or somewhere in between.PLEASE NOTE : In his reply Scot made a point, I'm testing this right now. Read on :
Scot1. You're using the same browser on the same machine you were using last time you read each thread.2. You haven't flushed your browser cache.3. There've been no Internet interruptions.
Regarding #1 : same browser as always, Mozilla.#2 : you've made a point here : I'm a regular browser-flusher so to speak, so maybe that's the culprit. I'm testing this out now.#3 : well as I noted, there was a interruption this morning (local time) ,can't remember the exact timeframe but it was there. Checked and double checked with all browsers I have on my rig.Thnx for the replies Julia and Scot.I truly hope this is going to settle in the hours ahead of us, I've read your experiences Scot. Wish I could be of some help ...
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I did some test Scot without flushing the browsers cache. First I thought, hey...it's working, but then I took a closer look and guess what ?Just bear with me a moment:1] close the browser, do NOT flush the cache.2} reopen the browser, in my case Mozilla of Firebird.3]go to the forums and look at the boards index:search for this topicnow it gets interesting, hold on...I click on the "links are not working" title in the right hand column, I 'm ending at my first initial post in the thread.A little experiment...1] close the browser, do NOT flush the cache.2} reopen the browser3]go to the forums and look at the boards index4]push the browsers refresh buttonWhere do you think I'm ending when I after the refresh click on "links are not working" title in the right hand column?Right, at at my first initial post in the thread. not my last reply or anybody else reply which would be the last post in this topic thread.Until a few weeks back it was no problem at all, flushing the browsers cache or not.So it seems to me it's something to do with the boards setting or tweaking. Well never mind that last remark, I'm not an expert regarding the boards software.There will be plenty of people overhere with more knowledge about that.BTW: Sometimes ( so that means NOT always) I can't log out after I posted a message or reply, unless I'm flushing the cache and then refreshing the browser!HTH a bit?

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You do seem to have a peculiar problem. Cookies are not turned off? That is what it sounds like to me. When I clicked on the example you gave, it went right where it should have gone. It really sounds like your cookies are turned off so it would go to the first post or so because it would have no idea where was your last post read.Julia

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OK, going to test this Julia.I'm going to dump the cookies from this board (No, they are not off ! ) just to refresh them . then logging off refresh the browsers cache and see what brings up. Back in a few minutes.

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OK I'm back;Removed all cookies and references to either Scot's site or the forums site.Flushed the browsers caches (memory cache,disk cache, history and location bar history). Unloaded the browser. Restarted PC. Fired up Mozilla and went to the forums:I was 1 time asked to receive a "session ID" cookie, which I allowed .I went to the "links not working" topic, clicked on it and ended up at my first initial post.Checked the browser preferences : java is on, javascript is on.I tried to reply to my last message, I was (as to be expected) asked for my credentials which I filled in and then clicked the OK button, OK I was logged in.Posted this message.Then logged out after that.

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After logging out I refreshed the browsers cache.Clicked on topic "links are not working" : guess what ... I 'm right there where I should be at my last reply BUT (there's always a "but" isn't it?) : I'm logged in automatic without me wanting to be logged in, because I had logged out !Very strange IMHO. Never had these problems until a few weeks ago.Refreshing the browser one more time: now I'm logged off but the topic stays on screen where it was.Scrolling right up to check : yeah, I'm logged out, OK scrolling back to last reply...Hitting the right handed arrow to bring me back at top of page,click "log in" and put in the credentials, OK I'm logged in now.Scrolling down to last reply and hit the "reply" button :Posting this what you're all reading now... confusing isn't it?Posting and submitting the last few lines...I'm staying logged in after that and even the message shows up... I'm going bananas ! (LOL, I 've been told they taste very good this year!)Goodbye and have a nice evening, I'll see y'all later this evening.

Edited by striker
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Just my view point:I've tried (on Mac) IE, Safari, FireFox, Mozilla (all latest versions) and they are working fine for me.On (XP Pro) IE, FireFox, Mozilla, (all latest version) again, working fine for me.Just to test I cleared all cookies and cache and dont see any problems.* And nope I didn't close the forums, most likely the DNS issue.

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I tried to reply to my last message, I was (as to be expected) asked for my credentials which I filled in and then clicked the OK button, OK I was logged in.
Hey striker haven't heard from you in a long time.As another view of your problem, it sounds like your not logged in when the problem occurs. Your symtoms match what I experience when I don't log in and go to topics via the Today's Active Topics menu. Is your logged in forum's colors the same as the default? When I had mine the same as the default I would forget to login and run into that problem. Once I chose a different color scheme the problem went away. :hmm:
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Arena2045Thanks for testing.

* And nope I didn't close the forums, most likely the DNS issue.
I think you're right, must have been a dns issue.
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Hello EdP

As another view of your problem, it sounds like your not logged in when the problem occurs.
Yes, you're partly right, but it does happen too when I am logged in.
Is your logged in forum's colors the same as the default?
nope, I've changed that long ago.Tomorrow I will try to do some more testing while logged in and once again while not logged in.I hope to report back then,
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Did you ever get a plasma monitor?
As a matter of fact, no I did not. I got heavily involved in digital photography and needed some expensive software and some other tools, plus the camera and all else what shows up to be needed.Monitor calibration tools,printer and scanner calibration tools and icc profilers, that cost me a fortune (almost) - LOL Besides that I wasn't able to locate any lcd monitor capable of delivering the needs and quality of my crt, except for some very expensive types which I couldn't afford at that moment.So I decided to wait a few months with my lcd adventure.
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PROBLEM SOLVED ! :clap:Here's what I did :starting computerstarting Mozilla (I've disabled java in Mozilla,I don't see any need for this right now. Javascript is enabled.)Going to the forums pages : not logging in. (boards color looks pink or lila to me)Looking at the Boards Index pageNoticed in the Security and Networking thread "If you can't patch it, ..." by EdP : clicked on If you can't patch it, ...Next page opens at the first post by zlim...why not at EdP's reply?OK,shutting down the browsers tab,clearing all caches, shutting down browser.Firing up Mozilla again : Going to the forums pages : (boards color looks pink or lila to me)I'm logging in now. (boards color looks sort of blue to me,so it changed color OK)Looking at the Boards Index page again : locating the same thread and same link as aboveclicking on itOK - I'll be d****, I'll take a look again ...There's EdP's post right in front of me. That's what I wanted to see.clicking on the right hand arrow to get to the top of the page : logging out nowback at the boards index page : I'm indeed logged out, boards index page color changed back to pink or lilaclosing the browsers tab,clearing all caches, shutting down browser.Let's repeat the scenario to test again : I won't be telling all the above again, just the result :Tried some other replies too, all I can say it's functioning OK now.I believe the problem lies there, that you have to be logged in to really get to the last reply in a thread.When not logged in,you'll almost always will get to the first post in the thread. So I do have to make sure I'm logging in when visiting the forums pages. :sweatingbullets: Thank you all for your kind help, it's appreciated !

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I always love threads that end with those words. o:)
There's EdP's post right in front of me. That's what I wanted to see.
Awwwwww, I'm honored. :whistling:
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Just to close the loop, yes you have to be logged into the forums. This feature depends on cookies in order to work. And logging in enables the cookies. Fwiw, what I've been surprised about is the fact that this jump-to-the-first-unread-post feature actually works reliably (most of the time) since we upgraded to 1.3.1. Before that it never worked well for me.-- Scot

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