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Post the funniest thing you saw on the Internets today


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Down on yourself for being lazy? Keep in mind the Greeks believed their GODS lived atop a very hikeable mountain and no one went to check.


I bet giraffes don't even know what farts smell like.


If I've learned anything from 50 Shades of Grey, its that women still haven't figured out you can watch porn at home ... for free.


If I had to describe myself in one word it would be "doesn't know how to follow directions."


A local business in my town has an open carry discount. As in, you show them a gun to save money. Doesn't that discount apply everywhere?


My opinion of yoga pants varies depending on whether I'm at the gym or at Walmart.


Bing is the RC Cola of search engines.


Why do we even ask rhetorical questions?


I'll watch a music award show when the awards aren't voted on by 13-year-old girls.


Money not buying you happiness? Wire it into my account and I'll send you pictures of how happy it makes me.


In alcohol's defense, I've done some pretty dumb stuff while completely sober too.


Why is this dude chatting with Jake from State Farm at three in the morning anyhow?


The fact that Burger King can sell you 10 chicken nuggets for $1.49 should concern you more than it should entice you.


I don't really WANT to make bad choices; but I got here late and all the good choices were already taken.


American Sniper proves that not even being in an active war zone will prevent your spouse from calling you at work.


GUY 1: Why can't we skip rope without society judging us?

GUY 2: What if we occasionally beat the crap out of each other?

Boxing is born.


The person that named the eggplant probably isn't allowed to name things anymore.


At the end of the day, life should ask us, Do you want to save the changes?

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I laughed, but I felt bad when I did it--this weather is no joke! I've had to keep my thermostat 4 degrees above where I usually would so we don't freeze in our bedrooms (over unheated garage, unfortunately) and to be sure our pipes don't freeze. My backyard looks like one of Rejean's photographs. :'(

Edited by ebrke
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If you click on Saul's Philanthropic Causes it takes you to this site. Save Walter.




It's been a really tough time in our family since my dad got cancer. Not

that there's ever a good time for something as awful and as scary as that,

but it was sure a bad time for us. My mom was pregnant with what she calls

a surprise baby (who is now Holly and even though she's a newborn baby she's

actually cute) and my dad had an extra job after school to try to help pay

all the regular bills. And that was before he got his diagnosis. We don't

have a lot of money but we were doing okay until all the medical bills. And

my dad is pretty proud - okay, really proud - and doesn't want to take char-

ity. That's why I'm doing this. Not because I want to make him mad or

upset, but because I want him to have a fighting chance no matter what.

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