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The Way - Geeky blog from my own


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Well after thinking about it for some weeks i decided to make a blog to write about my progress on linux desktop, some years ago (2011-2012) i was just using ubuntu and i was like "linux is awesome", i had some problems with ubuntu then forgot about linux, after that i was always looking at ubuntu updates or any linux information from time to time till i found Google plus community for linux.


After some days of joining my linux need was growing and started to test some easy distros like sabayon (i had an old ubuntu version on dual boot with windows), then i saw about arch linux, gentoo and people told me to test out Gentoo if i wanted to learn alot, Arch if i wanted to learn alot but on a more slow phase and i gave it a try.


At start i was on a VM and i managed to do my full arch installation on a virtualbox, then i started to think alot, i was tired of windows and the problems, restart after updates.. and i went into this crazy frenzy formated my whole HDD and installed fresh Arch Linux and here i am posting after 3 awesome moths. (all this is possible cause IRC support from #archlinux ##linux #vim, and my Good friend from g++ Josh Sabboth :P)


i've learnt alot and decided to make a blog for some cool stuff that i do with my desktop from time to time, here it is, perhaps you can find something useful on it




it was on spanish at first but it's now on english.


Linux ftw.

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Nice blog. Neat that you made the transition from Windows to Arch without too much trouble. :breakfast:


You might want to start using " I " instead of " i " as it will make your writing just a tad more professional.


As to changing window managers you may like to have a look at Window Maker. Low memory usage, fast, customizable and with many features of modern WM's that it has had for decades.


More info on it here,




An you will find a few screenshots of it in action here,





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I really like your latest background!!! :thumbsup:


For a while I only had a black backdrop. Then as the graphics kicked in I got a Matrix like series of flashes till the full image steadied. Cool. :good2:

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At the end I feel awesome with my desktop, i feel that i own it.


That says it all, doesn't it? That feeling of ownership is one of the greatest things about going from Windows to Linux.

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Yes Saturnian, I'm even converting some friends to linux :P, abarbarian thanks for your feedback really appreciated, I'll read on that window maker Btw Josh your i3wm made me switch some colors of my desktop.. That set up is awesome, and thanks :D

Edited by Reynaldo
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