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Remove Arch only syntax/branding

Insert Slack syntax/branding


Done :clap: :hysterical:


Well, it is open source isn't it?




Remove Arch only syntax/branding

Insert Slack syntax/branding


Done :clap: :hysterical:


Well, it is open source isn't it?


That would work somewhat ;)


It would be an excellent place to start. Why start from scratch and re-invent all that good work.


Done B)


I shared it on G+ and Twitter. :)

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V.T. Eric Layton

I have become an editor on this project as of today.


You Slackers and all interested parties, c'mon over and help fill up the empty spaces with KNOWLEDGE! :yes:


Good for you Eric. I will be more than happy to visit since I intend to install slackware64 13.357 which I have downloaded and burnt already.

V.T. Eric Layton

Hey! All these years and I finally got a submission accepted at /. --> http://linux.slashdot.org/story/12/08/22/1355228/slackware-documentation-project-begins-in-earnest


And just read all those interesting and informative ( ;) ) replies.


Is it just my imagination, or has the quality of conversation at /. degraded somewhat over the years? Lots of lulz going on over there; very little substance it seems, though. :(


Hey! All these years and I finally got a submission accepted at /. --> http://linux.slashdo...gins-in-earnest


And just read all those interesting and informative ( ;) ) replies.


Is it just my imagination, or has the quality of conversation at /. degraded somewhat over the years? Lots of lulz going on over there; very little substance it seems, though. :(


Congratulations, Eric :thumbsup:


The first few comments were expected as the grammar nazis are always on full alert on Slashdot and Reddit. You can write an excellent post but if you make an error or two in your grammar, the top comments will always be flamers.

V.T. Eric Layton

Uh... what was my grammar error? That headline and article were grammatically correct. You know me. I'm stickler for that. I guess the younguns over there had never seen the word "earnest" in use before.

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