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I can STILL DREAM can't I


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Thank you BrunoIf it is OK to post the url's I would :D too.--->>>The NEXT will be--->>> TBGUTAEWCheers for yearsColin

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Well if you upload the "TBGUTAEW" just like the "westcoast" . . . Then Striker could adapt the index page and you will get links ( one can click on ) to all the files on the server. So in that case the "Kamicotas Homepage" link is all you need :DB) Bruno

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Bruno Please Please Please :P This has taken a LIFE :D of it's ownNow there are a few more options that are SURFACING and just to mention one--->>> "DOMAIN NAME"So am busy trying to absorb what Stiker has so KINDLY pointed me too and armed with some more possibilities it seems as if will explore them FULLY with StrikerBut KNOW that--->>> TBGUTAEW is in the works as well as possibly a new "HOME PAGE" Cheers for YearsColin :) :D ALWAYS :D

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Thank you SO much Quint"SHARING" is also SO IMPORTANTJust to update WE NOW have 4 domain registrations under TBGUTAEW = .com .net .biz and ??? = BECAUSE I am a LITTLE :o RIGHYT NOW :) Cheers for YearsColin :wacko: for CARING :wacko:

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Thanks Striker I see some HEALTHY "CURIOSITY""TBGUTAEW" = "Those Big Guys up there and Every Where" o:) This pertains to "SPIRITUAL MASTERS" Somehow I NOW have a FEELING of "JOY & SERENITY" Cheers for YearsColin :thumbsup: Because I AM Truly Grateful :thumbsup:

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Hi ALL--->>>Just an UPDATE on "LAPPY"--->>>Guess what the NEW MOTHER BOARD was delivered Yesterday and Tried--->>>Suggesting aaaaaaaNOW a little :flowers: and now WE are :hysterical: --->>But NO was HOSE' :hysterical: --->>> THIS ONE DID NOT WORK EITHER :hysterical: so the SAGA EXPERIENCES with LAAPPY are STILL :flowers: learning me PATIENCEAnd now the THIRD board arrives tomorrow--->>>DARE I DREAM for a RESOUTION this Time :hysterical: Cheers for YearsColin :hysterical: and STILL :flowers:

Edited by kamicota
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JuliaHOW can Canada support USA Lemon's :teehee: :P :D Love that thought though :D Cheers for YearsColin B)

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Guess what, it does not matter where it is made (check it was probably China) but all the major companies have Canadian branches. Lemon laws perain for the country in which the purchaser resides. Canada could have a lemon law to protect Canadians. :teehee:

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She would not hide from you but your laptop! She must be afraid of it now. It has some magical powr that prevents motherboards from having any life of their own. :teehee:

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Ahhhhhhhh JuliaPOOR LAPPY talking about it that way :D because Fairies have their own way of dealing with the negative forces don't they NOW :teehee: Cheers for yearsColin :P

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JuliaSometimes we meet these beautiful beings in the DREAM state or even in Contemplations--->>>And often people ASK for proof but ONLY THEY can provide their own proof by VENTURING further into the realms of the INVISIBLE yet often misunderstood other levels of ConsciousnessOOPS hope I am NOT on the PODIUM again :teehee: Cheers for yearsColin :P and ALWAYS receptive to NEW ways of :D

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Well Well Well GUESS What :thumbsdown: --->>>"LAPPY's" 3rd Mother Board IS on BACK ORDER and is NOT expected until MID APRILNow this IS taking PATIENCE to the "Nth" DegreeJust thought I'd SHARE an update :P Cheers for yearsCooin :w00t:

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Mid April ? . . . . But that is in only 2 weeks Colin . . . . . . . . . . I think that is pretty fast for a motherboard that has to walk all the way from Japan or China . . ;):thumbsdown: Bruno

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Now Now Bruno :P They ALREADY tried one NEW motherboard And it would be NICER if I MOI ME was WALKIES with it from Japan or China :thumbsdown: Although the Spirit is still on a HIGH :D :w00t: :hug: :P as there MUST be OTHER Lessons there for MOI to learn :hmm: Cheers for yearsColin

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Now Now Bruno :P They ALREADY tried one NEW motherboard And it would be NICER if I MOI ME was WALKIES with it from Japan or China :thumbsdown: Although the Spirit is still on a HIGH :D :w00t: :hug: :P as there MUST be OTHER Lessons there for MOI to learn :hmm: Cheers for yearsColin
b0001flw6003lzzzzzzz5yg.jpg :)
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Mid April ? . . . . But that is in only 2 weeks Colin . . . . . . . . . . I think that is pretty fast for a motherboard that has to walk all the way from Japan or China . . ;):w00t: Bruno
walk ..? By now they would have to send it by rocket ! They owe it to Colin ! :thumbsdown:
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