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Hi LeaWell, I am glad I caught you online . . because this way we can do a few things B) . . . these are my normal "forum-hours" . . . from an hour ago to 4 hours from now when I log out (the same every day of the week :D ). . . so if you need my help be sure to remember those hours ! :DNow, I suppose you still have the original iso files stored on that Mandrake 9.2 . . . .we will have to burn them again, but this time differently from the first time :DIf you are in Mandrake right now here is what I want you to do . . . rightclick an iso file and choose from the context-menu you get "Action" --> "Burn CD image with k3b" !A GUI will pop up and you only have to press "start" after that !If for some reason you do not get that text in the context-menu . . . post back to me and we will do it in another way.:D Bruno

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Guest lea3792

Hi Bruno,Well I tried to do as instructed beu it wont do it, any thoughts Lea


Yes I have . . . . open a terminal and do:

su< give your root-passsword >cdrecord --scanbus

And copy and paste what you see in your next post :DB) Bruno

Guest lea3792

Well as I was fooling around with the program, I got the cd burner making copy's of the down loaded program. Too make a long story short I got it to work but as I installed the program it would install the first cd but I had to reburn the second and the third. Will repost later and let you know how it turned out. Respectfully Lea


As long as you see folders and files on the CDs . . then it is okay . . . but if you see an ISO file then the burn is wrong :DB) Bruno

Guest lea3792

Bruno, Well after much trial and error I got it to down load and after trying several cd's I got it to load 10.1 on my laptop. Many Many thanks and now to my original problem of trying to load my wirless card.I will look into the address that teacher provided and see if I can locate a compatible wire less card. Bruno you are a life saver.!!! Respectfully Lea


You are welcome Lea !!!;)B) Bruno


LeaLet's try it an easy way first.The first thing to do is go to the Mandrake Control Center and look at your hardware. At the very bottom of the list you will find a listing of the driver that Linux uses for it. That is the best clue on how to proceed. If you have your router set up for WEP then I would put it at Managed (non-encrypted) until you know what to do next.1. Start menu -> Configure Your Computer --> Mandrake Control Center --> Hardware tab --> Hardware.2. Look for your WiFi unit. If it is not there then you will have to look at something different. In Mandrake it should be under the heading “Ethernetâ€.3. If there, click on your unit and look down to the bottom where you will see the heading on the right of Misc. Under Misc. it should list Module. That module will be the driver you look for on the Run Config Tool in the next step.4. At the lower right you will see Configure Module and Run Config Tool. Click on the bottom right button labeled Run Config Tool. 5. Select wireless on the new menu.6. At the next screen select a driver and scroll down and look for the one you found and select it.7. If it asks for more options if necessary just move on or fill in what you know.8. If you get the option to put in a user name and WEP key, fill in what you do use (I identify my laptop as "laptop" ) )9. If it takes you back out to start over we will have to do some more research. Try again before you give up. ;)10. If it finishes, reboot your computer (don't just log out of your user as it suggests) and see what happens.11. If it works celebrate as you just had one of the easiest installs for WiFi in Linux.

Guest lea3792

Hi Teacher In the information field under Misc/Module: unknown. I think this is where the problem lies. The program can not load the proper rivers if it does not recognise the wire less card. The program knows it there but it will not load the drivers. What do you think. I must get ready for work but I will read your response in the morning. Thanks Julia, I am looking forward to your reply. Respectfully Lea


It looks like it is time to google and see if we can locate a driver. B)

Linux Org Site has a long discourse of folks saying there are no drivers for yours and then on to a discussion of how to get it owrking using the NDIS wrapper solution.This is not an easy way to go and I do not know how well I can walk you through this. We will try though when you are ready and we can sit down and go through this.
Guest lea3792

Well Teacher, I have located a vendor about 30 miles away and he indicated he has a Linux compatable wireless card and I plan to give him a visit tomorrow and see how compatable it really is. Will give it a try and repost. Looking forward to talking to you tomorrow. Respectfully Lea

Guest lea3792

Good evening all. Well I traveled just about 30 miles to pick up another wireless card (CNet CWC 854 Wireless-G CardBus Adapter). It detects it alright but I am no closer to getting on line. AT least the card is detected. I tried to configure it and load the drivers but it was no go. I have to get ready for work so I will try to do it tomorrow. Talk to you later!!! Repsectfully Lea


Thanks Ivan. That deals with using Windows drivers. Since his new card is detected we should not have to use that. ;)LeaWhat files do you have listed under /etc/wlan?Do you have a directory named wlan?We might have to install some files first. I found I had to do this by hand on mine one time. First we will look to see what is there and then we will look in the file to see how it is set up.

Guest lea3792

Good morning Julia, I am went to the terminal window and typed in the command /etc/wlan and it stated "No such file or directory" I hope this is what you are looking for. Thanks, I am looking foreward to your reply. Respectfully Lea


Yikes. I must have lost my reply. I have a bad habit of hitting the Go button in the bottom corner instead of the Add Reply button and losing what I posted. Maybe that is a good habit. :blink:Here is how you do it. #cd /etc/wlanIf that works, great, if not try#cd /etc and look to see what is there.Just a little something behind this. The command cd is the same as in Windows - Change Directory. What took me a long time to figure out was the difference between cd /etc and cd etc. Using the "/" tells the computer to go to the directory /etc no matter where you are sitting at the moment in the tree of folders or directories. Using it without the "/" as in "cd etc" will only look for "etc" as a subfolder of the folder where you are at the moment. Thus the CD takes you to another folder and cd .. will take you to the next higher folder. CD / will take you to a directory anywhere in your partition and cd with just a folder name will only take you to a subfolder.Now as we return. What files do you have listed in /etc/wlan or do you have a folder named wlan in etc?

Guest lea3792

Good evening Julia, I typed in the commands and it said- No such file or directory. I hope I did that right. Talk to you soon. Respectfully Lea


Then can you go to the Mandrake Control Center --> software --> Add Software and look for anything that has wlan in it or wifi. You need to install the basic wlan files which will create the directory so the best place to start is with what you can install through the MCC.

Guest lea3792

Good afternoon Julia, I am sorry it took me so long to reply to your message. Well I did as instructed and there is no reference to "wlan or wifi" at all. I went to up date the packages and it still did not give me any options for wlan of wifi. Talk to you soon. Respectfully Lea


LeaLet me get my ducks in a row an doline everything up so I can give you some coherent directions. I will be back within an hour and post where to go next. :thumbsup:


Method 1:Wireless Tools: This is quick and easy to try. $root<password>#iwconfig eth0 (1 if you have a regular lan card too) mode Managed (if running without WEP configuration)#iwconfig eth0 (1)essid <insert the name of your home network here - default if you have not changed it>If that works then we will go on and make that permanent. If not we will switch to method 2.


BEFORE you do the previous post:As root add this source:

# urpmi.addmedia MAIN  ftp://ftp.nluug.nl/pub/os/Linux/distr/Mandrake/official/10.1/i586/media/main/  with ../media_info/hdlist.cz  

( command is ONE line )Then install two packages with these commands:

# urpmi wireless-tools-27-0.pre23.2mdk.i586.rpm# urpmi wlandetect-0.3-1mdk.noarch.rpm

After you install those, go back to the Network section and see if they are now identified.

Guest lea3792

Good evening Julia, well this is a long one. I entered the command 's you gave me( the first ) and it stated unable to access rpm files. I entered the second set of commands and it stated - retrieving failed: curl: (9) Could'nt cd to offical. I typed in the commands exactly. I have no Idea what went wrong. I will continue to re-type the commands in case I messed up some where along the way. Will talk to you later. Respectfully Lea


What I do when the commands do not work is simply cut and paste! That way I don't make a mistake. I think you have the same Mandrake problem I have - can't seem to download and install anything, but I run cooker. If that does not work we will have to regroup and look for a different source. ;)

Guest lea3792

Julia, you are talking to a person who is very new to computing and sometimes I don't even know how you get from one place to another. I am very sorry if I have not conveyed that on my earlier post. Even so this thing is bigger than me. I am a little fustrated that this thing has me stumped. I can figure some things out by exploring and trial and error, but this has gotten to me big time. Its getting late here in Florida ( its getting a little cold too ) and I think I am going to turn in so I will talk to you tomorrow if you have the time. Respectfully Lea


Lea Don't feel bad. Wireless in Linux is bigger than me too. I do not know that we will be successful. I can tell you that I experimented for some time before I got it to work! It was not easy. Now, what I was suggesting is that if you are not sure you got the commands right is that you cut and paste.1. In the command line type the two letters "su" and press enter2. Type your password after it asks and then press enter.3. Now start, one line at a time, below (I have left out the # that shows it is as su to make it easy to copy and paste) highlight a line and right click and click copy. 4. Go back to the command line and either click with the scroll button on your mouse or right click and go to paste. If we do this one line at a time then you should be ok. I changed the order a bit so we will see what happens.

urpmi.addmedia MAIN  ftp://ftp.nluug.nl/pub/os/Linux/distr/Mandrake/official/10.1/i586/media/main/  with ../media_info/hdlist.cz  

Then, only if that works

urpmi wireless-tools-27-0.pre23.2mdk.i586.rpmurpmi wlandetect-0.3-1mdk.noarch.rpm  

Then if that works we will continue a bit.I will be in and out of a meeting today but will be back on line in 10 hours at the latest. I will be on the road Sunday and Monday but will check in Sunday night. Tuesday I will return to my usual schedule for a couple of days of on in the early morning and early evening and then back on the road again.It took me a month of playing to figure it out for my computer. One thing I should get clear from you at this point - have you configured your router to use a special SSID (home network name) or encryption connection program like WEP? Both of those are found by going online on a computer that works and addressing your router then going into the wireless to check it. What brand of router are you using? With the answer to those questions I can do a better job of walking you through this!

Guest lea3792

Julia, here is what I have. Password:su: incorrect password[lea3792@localhost lea3792]$ suPassword:[root@localhost lea3792]# urpmi.addmedia MAIN ftp://ftp.nluug.nl/pub/os/Linux /distr/Mandrake/official/10.1/i586/media/main/ with ../media_info/hdlist.czmedium "MAIN" already exists[root@localhost lea3792]# urpmi wireless-tools-27-0.pre23.2mdk.i586.rpmunable to access rpm file [wireless-tools-27-0.pre23.2mdk.i586.rpm]error registering local packages[root@localhost lea3792]# urpmi wlandetect-0.3-1mdk.noarch.rpmunable to access rpm file [wlandetect-0.3-1mdk.noarch.rpm]error registering local packages[root@localhost lea3792]#I hope this helps. Please enjoy the weekend and I will talk to you later. Thanks very much!!! Repsectfully Lea


Hi LeaPlease allow me . . . I have an idea . . . download these files: ( simply click on the links, best use konqueror as your browser )ftp://ftp.nluug.nl/pub/os/Linux/distr/Man...3.2mdk.i586.rpmftp://ftp.nluug.nl/pub/os/Linux/distr/Man...1mdk.noarch.rpmDownload them to your /home/lea ( not "open with software installer" !! ) . . . . . once you see them there let us know and we will tell you how to install them ;):rolleyes: BrunoPS: Remind us to remove that "MAIN" source later . . because it does not seem to be "effective" :)

Guest lea3792

Hi Bruno, Ok I have down loaded the files. I have been busy with honey do stuff ( honey do this honey do that ) you know how that is. Looking forward to your reply. Respectfully Lea

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