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  1. Well after some trials and tribulations I have nearly got a Arch install on me new rig. However. I think I have rEFind installed as it shows on boot. Gives me options to boot W7 or Arch. However Arch starts. Shows udev being accesed.Then says it can not find root I think and then drops me to a cli prompt like this, [rootfs] # So I am stumped. Any ideas folks ???? :'(
  2. ichase

    USB UEFI Boot issue

    Greetings all, Hope all who may read these words are doing well. I normally try and in most cases anymore figure out how to fix my issues without asking for help but I am at my wits end here. Have a customer's Gateway netbook, model number: LT41P08u Laptop currently has Windows 8 32 bit installed. Customer wants Linux Mint 17.2 installed. Have a bootable USB thumbdrive with Linux Mint 17.2 on it. Have gone into the UEFI / BIOS of this netbook, set boot order to 1. USB HDD 2. USB FDD Have disabled "Secure Boot" Have looked EVERYWHERE for SOMETHING that shows the ability to "enable" Legacy Boot but it is NOT there. Linux Mint website states it is UEFI compatible. Does not matter what I do, it will NOT recognize the USB thumb drive as a "Bootable" media. Have even gone as far as trying multiple USB Thumb drives "just in case" I had a bad one. NONE of them will boot. (They both booted fine on my Dell Latitude laptop so I know they are gtg) Click on F2, and it only shows Windows as the only bootable option. In windows, hit Shift key while selecting Restart. Select USB boot options, and it only provides EFI USB Boot. (Thinking this is the issue in regards to allowing this laptop to except the thumb drive as EFI) Computer reboots and then states there is no recognizable bootable USB drive. Takes me to boot manager and once again, only have Windows to select. I am SURE this issue has been posted before and I am sure a few of the amazing Windows guru's on here have run into the same thing when maybe trying to install Windows 7 on a Windows 8 UEFI computer for a customer (or for yourself) who hated Windows 8 Even though the OS to be installed is Linux, I felt this more to be a Windows directed question as the OS on the thumb drive could have easily been Windows. And as I understand it, Microsoft was a major player if not the actual developer of UEFI to replace standard BIOS. I thank you immensely ahead of time for your help, guidance and education. All the best, Ian
  3. ... Rewritten to Boot all Linux Versions
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