Here's another of those "I sure do miss Bruno" topics...
Are there any LILO experts out here at Scot's these days? I've never been a LILO fan for multiple booting (beyond two OS's). It works like a champ on my laptop (dual boot) and even on my shop system (multiboot), but I've never been able to get it to work on my main system for some reason.
I have a complicated fdisk layout on this system. I have three drives (non-RAID) running with numerous partitions on each. It's always been problematic to get LILO to properly recognize the drives/partitions and boot my multiple operating systems properly. Last night, I got the closeest I've ever come.
I was able to boot Slackare (LILO - MBR controller on /dev/sda1) perfectly. However, when I tried to boot Arch (dev/sda5), CentOS (/dev/sdb6), Debian (dev/sdb8), Mint (/dev/sdb10), and Salix (/dev/sdb12), they would boot, but I had no keyboard or mouse at the RL3 command line.
I tried to get LILO to boot the initrds by adding an initrd line to lilo.conf, but then /sbin/lilo gave errors when running and only registered Slackware; leading me to believe that it never got to where it was booting the initrd. I believe that if I could get it to properly boot the initrds, it would have the USB keyboard and mouse support once booted.
Any thoughts on what I'm doing wrong here?