I know there are not a lot of Archlinux users right now but there are many that are interested. Bruno posted threads listing the updates for Debian, Slackware, Mandriva, PCLos, etc. So to stay in the spirit, I thought I would start a thread listing the updates for 32bit and 64bit Archlinux core, extra, community, and also the community-maintained AUR repos. Actually all the credit should go to Eric, since he thought of it first.Anyway, since Archlinux is a rolling distros there will be many updates daily. The main updates will have a description of the package but the AUR will not have a description. The reason being is the AUR packages have multiple versions of the same package. You will also notice there will be no security updates. The reason being is that Archlinux does not patch source packages except in rare cases and only if it is a security issue.
If you do not run Archlinux, you can use this thread to know when new versions of packages become available. They are not updated immediately but usually within a day or so. A lot of the AUR packages are devel or git versions so you can watch those versions as well.So here is the Thu, 07 Jan 2010 updates: