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  1. You must have done some house cleaning, since I don't see my somersaulting penguin anymore. I've been concentrating mostly on cleaning out my email inbox which fills up real fast on a daily basis. It keeps me pretty busy. Can't keep up with it. However, as time goes on, things break. Lost my favorite HP laptop. I got hyjacked and they destroyed my computer. I'm now using a Toshiba laptop, and attempted to install PCLinuxOS (latest version) in the machine, using a USB connected hard drive. I was using the live disk version of the OS, and thought that I would install it in the outboard hard drive. However, that was not meant to be. I had run the OS on the machine, and it booted up flawlessly, with no problems. However, when I did decice to install it, things went awry. You see, when the disk starts to perform it's installation process, at one point, it tells me that I have to reboot the machine. I was very uncomfortable in doing thiis, but then I relented,and did the reboot. Just as I thought! The reboot shutdown the external hard drive, That made the computer and the OS lose each other. And all I saw was "Welcome to Grub". period! Nothing else, and couldn't get rid of it. I really don't know where it is located anymore. It could be on the Windows' internal hard drive, or perhaps on the external USB hd. I'm lost on overcoming this problem, and stuck having to use Windows. I also cannot boot up the Linux OS on the external hd, to continue the process of installing the OS. And... that's what brought me here, today. Grub seems to be the gate keeper, and won't allow anything else to proceed. Any ideas? Did I miss anything in trying to explain my situation? Cheers!
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