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  1. http://www.linuxandlife.com/2013/03/how-websites-of-popular-linux-distros.html Think he must have put the wrong picture in for Debian as it looks pretty much the same as todays site.
  2. FTC bars advertising firm from sniffing browser histories - Computerworld FTC bars Epic Marketplace from sniffing through web users' history - the Inquirer A little background on Epic Marketplace Epic Media Group Announces Epic Marketplace as Consolidated Umbrella Brand for Integrated Social, Mobile and Display Advertising - PR Newswire What Happened To Epic Media Group? See Kinetic Social - adexchanger (this was from May 2012) - Be sure to check out the links in the article. Also it looks like they changed their website from epicadvertising.com to epicmarketplace.com based on the article above and the current LinkedIn info here. Hmmm...
  3. Adam/ross549, our newest Admin, and Lead Moderator for The Restaurant at the Edge of the Universe forum, has done a great job of incorporating the many important pinned posts into Welcome to the Restaurant at the Edge of the Universe posting. Since many Highlanders after they have been here for awhile, do not actually re-read the Welcome posting (generally read more by new Highlander Members), I thought I would call attention to this great great revised Welcome post so folks wouldn't feel we had lost all those wonderful topics that were pinned about the forum history, etc. This change to the Welcome posting and the pinned topics greatly cleans up the look and makes it easier to find the new posts in The Restaurant at the Edge of the Universe forum. Calling all Highlanders, Check it out! Welcome to the Restaurant at the Edge of the Universe Great job Adam!
  4. Welcome!! Your moderation team for the Restaurant consists of two of the finest Admins you will ever meet- Jeber and ross549! In an effort to reduce the number of pinned posts at the top of this forum, the following is provided for your consideration and amusement...... The Rules The standard Forum Rules are always in effect. Sometimes threads or individual posts are removed. Here is why. The History of the Restaurant at the Edge of the Universe It used to be called the Water Cooler..... The modus operandi for this forum...... The History Of Scot's Newsletter Forums.... Why are we called Highlanders? Miscellaneous.... Welcome to all our Guests!
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