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  1. So, I haven't been able to use Google Chrome or Chromium for about 6 or so weeks in my Slackware 14.1 installation on my main system. This all started when Google Chrome and Chromium both went from the last 52.xx version to the newer 53.xx version. I use the SlackBuild script provided by Pat V. in the Slackware repos/extras directory to build a compatible .txz installer for my Slackware using a .deb Google Chrome download. I use Alien Bob's (Eric Hameleers) already built .txz from his repos for Chromium. In both cases, building/installing goes fine. The problem is that when the apps are started, they stay running for about 5-10 seconds and then crash giving me a "segmentation fault" in the command line. Somewhere between the 52.xx and 53.xx some coding changes were made that just do not like my 14.1 installation. I know it's a glibc or lib issue of some sort, but I'll be dashed if I can track it down. I figured I've spent enough time on this so far; I'll just install the newer versions of these browsers when I install Slackware 14.2 one of these days. I've been using Firefox for about a month now. I have it set up just the way my Chrome/Chromiums were set up. The only problem is that Firefox just does not render webpages as quickly as Chrome/Chromium; plus, FF has some herky-jerky scrolling issues. Myeh... oh, well. I've reinstalled the older 52.xx versions of Chrome/Chromium. I'm just going to set Google Chrome as my default browser and leave it like that for a while. Here's a screenie with them all dressed in their fall colors.
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