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Urxvt (rxvt-unicode)


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I have been trying to use the urxvt terminal terminal lately and have ran into some issues. Does anyone here use this terminal?If you have never heard of it, here is a description:

rxvt-unicode is a highly customizable terminal emulator forked from rxvt. Commonly known as urxvt, rxvt-unicode can be daemonized to run clients within a single process in order to minimize the use of system resources. Developed by Marc Lehmann, some of the more outstanding features of rxvt-unicode include international language support through Unicode, the ability to display multiple font types and support for Perl extensions.
http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Urxvt I am trying to get my head around this terminal because the documentation and options are so vast. http://pod.tst.eu/http://cvs.schmorp.de/rx.../doc/rxvt.7.pod The man page is 1480 lines long........ :thumbsup: Basically this terminal uses the file ~/.Xdefaults for its configuration:Here is my ~/.Xdefaults
Xcursor.theme: Neutralurxvt.font: xft:Terminus-8urxvt.perl-ext-common: default,matcher,tabbedURxvt.urgentOnBell: trueurxvt*termName: xtermurxvt*scrollBar: falseurxvt*saveLines: 8192urxvt*matcher.button: 3urxvt*urllauncher: firefoxurxvt.background: #cbd9e2urxvt.foreground: #22303durxvt*cursorColor: #6dacd8# blackurxvt*color0:   #cbd9e2urxvt*color8:   #666666# redurxvt*color1:   #6dacd8urxvt*color9:   #62aada# greenurxvt*color2:   #315b81urxvt*color10:  #477ea7# yellowurxvt*color3:   #4282b0urxvt*color11:  #62aada# blueurxvt*color4:   #315b81urxvt*color12:  #477ea7# magentaurxvt*color5:   #4282b0urxvt*color13:  #62aada# cyanurxvt*color6:   #315b81urxvt*color14:  #477ea7# whiteurxvt*color7:   #22303durxvt*color15:  #FFFFFF

Right now urxvt is configured to go fullscreen and transparent. It works fine on my second monitor as I run gnuscreen in fullscreen mode but I am having to still use xfce4-terminal as my normal terminal since I cannot figure out how to resize urxvt. I would like to set it to go fullscreen when I hit F-11. I am clueless on how to do this though. I do not think it matters but I use OpenBox window manager. In OpenBox all apps go fullscreen with F-11, so its not a syntax issue there. So anyone have a clue or atleast some documentation or howtos in layman terms for urxvt?Thanks

Edited by securitybreach
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Ok now I have it set where I can resize using alt-rightmouse drag which is ok. Although, I cannot get it transparent for some reason:

	URxvt*termName: rxvt	## borderless and no scrollbar	URxvt*scrollBar_right: false	URxvt*scrollBar: false	URxvt*borderLess: 	urxvt*background: rgba:0000/0000/0000/dddd	## teh transparency stuff	URxvt*inheritPixmap: true	URxvt*tintColor: white	URxvt*shading: 0	## geometry and font	URxvt*geometry: 84×24	URxvt*font:monospace:pixelsize=10	## change default colors	URxvt*background: #000000	URxvt*foreground: #A8A8A8	URxvt*color0: #000000	URxvt*color1: #A80000	URxvt*color2: #00A800	URxvt*color3: #A85400	URxvt*color4: #0000A8	URxvt*color5: #A800A8	URxvt*color6: #00A8A8	URxvt*color7: #A8A8A8	URxvt*color8: #545054	URxvt*color9: #F85450	URxvt*color10: #50FC50	URxvt*color11: #F2FC50	URxvt*color12: #5054F8	URxvt*color13: #F854F8	URxvt*color14: #50FCF8	URxvt*color15: #FFFFFFURxvt.perl-ext-common: default,matcherURxvt.urlLauncher: firefoxURxvt.matcher.button: 2URxvt.matcher.pattern.1: \\bwww\\.[\\w-]\\.[\\w./?&@#-]*[\\w/-]


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I got it:

URxvt*borderLess: False

In order to resize, I had to enable border, The reason I could not get transparency is that had to restart X for the ~/.Xdefaults to re-initalize.Yeah!! Nothing but urxvt now!!!!!!568f8930422185.gifThanks

Edited by securitybreach
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Looks like it has a lot of options . . . seems promising :thumbsup: If you would want to start it a smaller size:

geometry: geom Create the window with the specified X window geometry [default 80x24]; option -geometry.
B) Bruno
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I just wanted the option of going fullscreen or windowed mode. I have it now where it is 84×24 by default and I can resize it to fullscreen by dragging. I think why it was going fullscreen only is that in my first .Xdefaults did not have these options:

URxvt*geometry: 84×24
to window it
URxvt*borderLess: False
to allow resizingThanks Edited by securitybreach
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To remove the line around the border in urxvt, I unchecked the box "Windows retain a border when undecorated" in obconf (OpenBox configuration editor).Now it is set just like I had xfce4-terminal set, without the border and resizing by alt-rightmouse dragging. Except its alot more stable (xfce4-Terminal used to crash when changed preferences with curses-programs running) and uses way less resources than xfce4-terminal did. Plus I had to install a bunch of Xfce4 dependencies just to get the terminal whereas urxvt has no dependencies.Thanks

Edited by securitybreach
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Now it is set just like I had xfce4-terminal set, without the border and resizing by alt-rightmouse dragging.
Great . . glad you have it the way you want it :thumbsup: B) Bruno
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